Why should I simplify my life?

Why should I simplify my life? I had a bit of a lightbulb moment earlier this month. I had gradually been coming to terms with the idea that I needed to get rid of most of my stuff and live more simply. The penny finally dropped when I realised that by choosing to do this, I had already put things in motion. I started to notice that I already felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I feel a palpable sense of relief.

My decision to simplify my life was actually beginning to enrich my life. I had spent decades accumulating things and trying to climb the ladder of success. I had experienced education, amassed money, property and gadgets, been on many holidays, and climbed to the top of my career. Yet I realised recently that none of this had given me as much satisfaction as the decision to simplify. In fact, most of these successes had contributed to my stress.

I kept accumulating more and more stuff, because advertisements brainwash us into thinking this should make us happy. It doesn’t. It makes things worse. It has taken me a very long time to realise this. I left home at 18, and it took me until age 46 to work it out. That’s a lot of years of unnecessary angst. I wish I had worked it out sooner! Still, there’s no point in having regrets. I have plenty of time to enjoy my simpler, happier life going forward.

In the future, I just want to focus on health and relationships, as well as learning new ways to express my creativity. Reading, writing, friends and family. That’s about as simple as I can make it, and I can’t think of anything I would like more. I really can’t wait to try it out!

Project 365

I set up this website after deciding that I want to build a more creative life for myself, so I can give up my job and be in control of my own destiny.

I have set myself a goal of publishing an article on my website every day this year, to document my journey from employment to self-employment.

The name I chose was Project 365 because I see this as a year that I have dedicated to learning and self-development, as I countdown to freedom. It started on 1st January 2021, so I have 338 days to go!

Why not check in on a regular basis to see how I am progressing, and what I have discovered?

I have decided to set up a blog, and to document my adventures in life through it.

2 Comments on “Why should I simplify my life?

  1. I think that you are super brave. It takes a lot of courage to leave our comfort zone, even if we are not comfortable anymore, and decide to follow your dreams and passions. On top of that, you are sharing everyday your inner-self with others- strangers and friends, which is brilliant!

    • Thank you so much Rosalba! I find it very therapeutic to write down my thoughts. Writing the blog is also improving my confidence levels 🙂