Why is the number three so important?
Why is the number three so important? There’s something magical about it, and not just for me. There are countless examples of the religious and cultural significance of the number three throughout many societies.
Stories always have a start, middle and end.
In most sports you compete for bronze, silver and gold medals.
The triangle is the most stable physical shape, widely utilized in construction, engineering and design.
We inhabit the third planet from the sun.
Humans can perceive three dimensions.
The power of three is built into nearly everything. The brain finds it relatively easy to grasp threes, so it can put things into an order.
Our human brain has evolved to like choice, but not too much of it, or it causes stress. Hence Goldilocks only having three choices of porridge. That certainly rings true with me. Having too many choices to make exhausts me. Because of this, I am doing everything I can to simplify my life, in order to reduce my stress levels. I aim to create a simpler, more meaningful life and increase my happiness.
Three as a memory aid
Our short-term memory is limited, and I struggle to remember things. Creating lists of three items seems to allow them to stick in my memory for longer. I don’t know why.
Maybe it’s because that’s all we can truly keep in our head at one time. Three key concepts. Certainly, any more than that and I start to forget the details.
It is why I have always relied on my to do lists. I find them comforting, even though they only ever seem to increase in length.
Three areas of importance
Once I realised what is truly important to me, everything has started to fall into place. My key aim is to simplify my life.
The brand I have chosen for my move to self-employment is Smart Savvy Stuff.
I have challenged myself to to post daily on my blog this year and have called this Project 365.
The areas of importance for me to explore further are minimalism, mindfulness and meaning.
The power of the number three is clearly at work for me here.
Smart Savvy Stuff, Simplify Your Life, Project 365.
Minimalism, Mindfulness, Meaning.
There are three people in my life who have been most influential in my success. A huge thank you for your ongoing support, I could never have done this without you.
Who are your three most influential people?
Focus on three
Whenever I use this as a mantra, I get extraordinary results. I use it as a problem-solving tool, because it seems to help me get to the solution quickly. By narrowing my focus, it allows me to instantly concentrate and find the three most important issues to tackle first. What are the three most important areas for you to focus on?
Project 365
I set up this website after deciding that I want to build a more creative life for myself, so I can give up my job and be in control of my own destiny.
I have set myself a goal of publishing an article on my website every day this year, to document my journey from employment to self-employment.
The name I chose was Project 365 because I see this as a year that I have dedicated to learning and self-development, as I countdown to freedom. It started on 1st January 2021, so I have 354 days to go!
Why not check in on a regular basis to see how I am progressing, and what I have discovered?