Why are questions important?

Why are questions important? I have just watched this brilliant TED talk by Michael Stevens about why we ask questions. Michael has a YouTube channel called Vsauce, where he answers questions, and teaches people interesting things about the universe.

He shares a brilliant quote from Albert Einstein, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” I absolutely love this concept. I also love questions. Nearly all of my blog posts have been around answering a question. I plan to visit Michael’s YouTube channel to investigate some of the questions he has researched and answered!

Project 365

I set up this website after deciding that I want to build a more creative life for myself, so I can give up my job and be in control of my own destiny.

I have set myself a goal of publishing an article on my website every day this year, to document my journey from employment to self-employment.

The name I chose was Project 365 because I see this as a year that I have dedicated to learning and self-development, as I countdown to freedom. It started on 1st January 2021, so I have 216 days to go!

I have decided to set up a blog, and to document my adventures in life through it.