What are your goals in life?
What are your goals in life? I have just watched this lovely TED talk by Sebastian Terry. After losing a good friend at the age of 24, he asked himself whether he was happy with how he was living his own life. He realised that he didn’t know his values or what he was passionate about.
Sebastian decided this was his second chance, and so he started jotting down ideas of things that would make him smile. He doesn’t like the term bucket list, because of its negative connotations. Eventually he had 100 things on his list, and decided to prioritise his happiness by pursuing them.
As he ticked off items, he realised that he was achieving things that were important to him, rather than being expected of him by other people. He had set the goal, and then achieved it, which made him feel empowered, and in control of his life. Nine years later, he has achieved 72 items on his list and raised a lot of money for charity along the way.
Sebastian considers his list a way to live a purpose driven lifestyle, which allows him to grow and connect with people. Achieving our goals makes us feel euphoric. We feel successful, and achieving something important to us gives us a feeling of pride, purpose and passion all rolled into one.
When we give ourself permission to follow our dreams, great things start to happen. First, we need to consider our values, and then make a choice to pursue our dreams and live our lives differently.
Our list might include professional or personal goals, as well as ones to help our community. We may choose goals that scare us, challenge us, or comfort us or others. They might be financial, emotional, physical, spiritual or experiential goals. Some of them may be selfish, and some may be selfless.
One of the things that Sebastian is proudest of is how his list has been a catalyst to help other people achieve their own dreams. He has inspired and motivated people to write their own lists, and his website has become a community where everyone shares their goals. He now connects people who need help with people who can offer help, which I think is a beautiful vision.
Project 365
I set up this website after deciding that I want to build a more creative life for myself, so I can give up my job and be in control of my own destiny.
I have set myself a goal of publishing an article on my website every day this year, to document my journey from employment to self-employment.
The name I chose was Project 365 because I see this as a year that I have dedicated to learning and self-development, as I countdown to freedom. It started on 1st January 2021, so I have 282 days to go!