What are your goals? Recently I have been looking at the areas of my life that I would like to improve upon. Some of my goals are large and some are small. A lot of them have been on my …

What are your goals? Read more »

What pushes your buttons? Have you ever noticed that some things seem to wind you up much more than they do they average person? Of course, we all have our own unique triggers, but I have found it a useful …

What pushes your buttons? Read more »

How can I get rid of all my clutter? I have been asking myself this question for decades. I have far too much stuff, and I find it stifling and overwhelming. It has developed into a real hoarding problem. Despite …

How can I get rid of all my clutter? Read more »

What are the most important things in life for you? I realised recently that I hadn’t done a mental audit of my own values for a long time. It turns out that these can change quite dramatically over time, so …

What are the most important things in life? Read more »