How can microbes in our gut affect our health and behaviour? This is a fascinating TED talk by Rob Knight. He explores the huge effect that microbial genes have on our lives, and how we can use new understanding from …

How can microbes in our gut affect our health and behaviour? Read more »

How can I influence my emotions? I have just watched a totally fascinating TED talk by Lisa Feldman Barrett PhD. It has revolutionised the way I look at my emotions. Rather than being held hostage by them, it seems I …

How can I influence my emotions? Read more »

How do gut feelings influence our behaviour? If you haven’t seen Simon Sinek’s first TED talk from 2009, I highly recommend you watch it right now. I’ve attached the link below. It’s called “How great leaders inspire action”, but I …

How do gut feelings influence our behaviour? Read more »

What pushes your buttons? Have you ever noticed that some things seem to wind you up much more than they do they average person? Of course, we all have our own unique triggers, but I have found it a useful …

What pushes your buttons? Read more »