How can we stop procrastinating?

How can we stop procrastinating? I have just watched a brilliant TED talk by Nic Voge. In it he discusses his views on why we procrastinate, and what we can do to overcome it. He feels it is normal for people to want to protect themselves when there is a chance of failure, in order to protect their self-worth.

Self-worth theory suggests that our primary psychological need is to be seen as capable and competent. We will sacrifice other needs to ensure this is met. Most procrastinators feel that their performance is linked directly to their ability, and allow it to define their self-worth. While this is partially true, it does not give enough weight to the importance of effort in improving performance.

Unfortunately, it is possible to be motivated to want to do a task, and also not want to do it, because of competing motivators. We can desperately want to succeed at something (approach motivations) and at the same time be held back by our fear of failing at it (avoid motivations). We feel stuck between two opposing forces. Only when a deadline is looming does our greater fear of missing the deadline manage to outweigh the fear of failing. At this point we manage to overcome our procrastination and perfectionism.

So how can we overcome our procrastination at an earlier stage? Rather than trying to use fear as a motivator, there are three strategies we can try.

Firstly, we can develop awareness. Understanding the roots of our procrastination can help us notice it at play, and counteract it.

Secondly, we can choose to tip the balance towards our approach motivations by listening to those positive thoughts rather than our fears. Nic shares the tips he used to become more positive around planning his TED talk, which are very insightful!

Thirdly, we can challenge our belief that our performance is dictated solely by our ability, and remember we should never allow our performance to define our self-worth.

When we allow our hopes, rather than our fears to guide and motivate us we open up a world of opportunities. It is the perfect way we can learn to finally overcome our procrastination.

Project 365

I set up this website after deciding that I want to build a more creative life for myself, so I can give up my job and be in control of my own destiny.

I have set myself a goal of publishing an article on my website every day this year, to document my journey from employment to self-employment.

The name I chose was Project 365 because I see this as a year that I have dedicated to learning and self-development, as I countdown to freedom. It started on 1st January 2021, so I have 313 days to go!

Why not check in on a regular basis to see how I am progressing, and what I have discovered?

I have decided to set up a blog, and to document my adventures in life through it.